Thank you for Living until Tomorrow

“You’ll live until tomorrow.”

This was my mother’s response to any complaint, scrape, or childish whine about anything.

“Waaah, I scraped my knee!”

“You’ll live until tomorrow.”

“The other kids made fun of me!”

“You’ll live until tomorrow.”

“I don’t feel good.”

“You’ll live until tomorrow.”

“Look! I fell out of a tree and broke my neck!, I put someone’s eye out with that thing!, A stranger tried to kidnap me! My face froze like this! Someone broke in last night and drank out of the milk carton!”

“You’ll live until tomorrow.”

The funniest part is that these words—which at the time seemed like a negation of my need to be nurtured— are actually a consolation to me now.

I have learned that life goes on, no matter what deemed crisis we experience in any given moment.

Sometimes knowing that one will live until tomorrow takes the urgency out of today. It alleviates the anxiety of those days when things just don’t go right. It offers another opportunity to try again and assuages the fear of permanent failure.

“You’ll live until tomorrow.” has a proven track record of consistency.

It is a profound truth. It is a simple coping mechanism in the face of adversity, and a balm to apply to any Boo Boo that will be healed by time.

“You’ll live until tomorrow.” It also reminds me that whining is a waste of a perfectly good today.

~ by leakelley on October 26, 2010.

10 Responses to “Thank you for Living until Tomorrow”

  1. ““You’ll live until tomorrow.” also reminds me that whining is a waste of a perfectly good today.”

    Yeh baby!! you got that right!

  2. I love it! Might need to work it into my repertoire with my 12 year old. My response right now when something happens is “Will you live?”

  3. I like it. There’s great consolation in knowing that no matter how bad your day may be, you still lay down and go to sleep every night, and will (probably) wake up in the morning.

  4. This is great and so true. When I work with clients with anxiety issues, I always remind them, “No one ever died from…..(whatever)….right?” It becomes their mantra and it truly does help.

  5. “The funniest part is that these words—which at the time seemed like a negation of my need to be nurtured— are actually a consolation to me now.”
    Amazing… things that just didn’t seem to be what we needed at THAT moment, can linger and resonate later.

  6. I LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. So far, you have lived until tomorrow.
    You’re absolutely right about the power of words like these, though–pain is only temporary. It can work wonders for the mind.

  8. Funny when compared to my mom’s favorite expression, “You could get hit by a truck tomorrow…”

  9. Thanks for your good thoughts always! Today was definitely one of those kind of days…finding myself disheartened this afternoon wondering if the floor would be willing to swallow me up and only seeing rocks n hard places. Sometimes it seems like there are no soft places to land and tomorrow doesn’t seem soon enough so then I paint and I paint the flowers and the trees of tomorrow and let the owie of today float away. For me “you’ll live until tomorrow” means accept todays pains and “create a new tomorrow” Thanks again.

  10. re: funny.

    One better works to relieve today’s fear or pain; one aims to ease fear of what’s to come.

    “You could get hit by a truck tomorrow…” = Nobody (even a healthy person) knows what’s coming or when, so cherish your day while you plan your future.

    “You’ll live until tomorrow.” = This, too, shall pass–hang in there.

    Thanks, Lea, for diversifying my toolbox.

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